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By Gareth Williams

The hordes have been screaming down from the chaos wastes, attacking around the city of Talabheim. Seemingly with impossible speed, moving through Kislev and the northern reaches of the empire without supplies for the foul armies, and never pausing to forage or gather the food that all mortals need, dark and tainted or not. Only with great losses have these attacks been fought off, and it is unlikely the brave men of the Empire can hold against another. Over the past months, several scholars working to understand the new style have noted many things about these almost exclusively Khorne-worshipping armies, but the key lay in geography. The forces always strike within a certain area, and march at full speed to get there from the wastes. Somewhere in this region is a secret fortress supplying the hordes with their campaigning needs.

After his sages located the underground fortress, Baron Karleneich, the local lord, posted a reward of ten thousand gold pieces for any brave and skillful enough to rid the empire of this critical threat.

So it is you warriors who have answered Karleneich's call, now you venture into the Brass halls of the Temple of Ash. You go to defeat one of Khorne's mightiest mortal servants, a hellish warlord known only as Bloodcall.


This Warhammer Quest adventure is dungeon level 4. Use half a deck of cards as an event deck and the rules below. For each event, draw a card from the deck, using only hearts and clubs. The cards are as follows, with a * or ** indicating special rules below;


  Hearts    Clubs
The Despoiler of Kiaz* 
Kiantor the Wrathful*
Aranshko + 6 Chaos Hounds*
Selug + Logru + D6Beastmen*
Nayelor + Kadoz the Infernal*
D3 Beastman Champions**
Gruku + Kincal*
D3 Dragon Ogres
D3+1 Chaos Warriors riding Juggernauts
6 Minotaurs
2D6 Bloodletters
D3 Trolls + D3 Minotaurs
D6+4 Bloodletters
3 Stone Trolls
12 Chaos Warriors
6 Minotaurs
D6+2 Centaurs
9 Beastmen
Beastman Champion + D6+2 Beastmen**
Beastman Champion + D6+2 Beastmen**

*: This event contains a special character who is described in the adventure notes below.

**: The Magic Weapon wielded by any Beastman Champions in this event is a Goatblade, which ignores the first 2 points of armour a warrior is wearing and provides its bearer with Magic Resistance 6+.

Event: Roll a dungeon event from the table on page 61 of the WQ Roleplay book.



 Use the standard Dungeon Room Deck, with the Idol Chamber as the only objective room, and placed in the bottom 6 cards. Remove all but 1 of the T-junction corridors. Start the players in an ordinary straight corridor. Whenever the warriors encounter a room, check for special rules below:

Circle of Power: When the warriors enter this room they disturb a fine powder which sticks to their clothes. If they later meet Nayelor and Kadoz, this powder bursts into flame, inflicting D6 wounds with no modifiers for toughness or armour to each warrior.

Corridor: No special rules.

Dungeon Cell: In addition to any other treasure within this room there are 3 healing potions. Each potion will heal D6 wounds when drunk.

Guard Room: Any monsters in this room are ready for incursions, so have Ambush 3+. Along with any other treasure in this room there is a Spell Ring (Magic Item 21) with the Freeze! Spell stored in it.

Idol Chamber: This room contains Bloodcall, Essermar and 4 centaurs. See the special character's section in the notes below. The treasure in this room is a Dawnstone and Armour of Dargan (Objective Room 21 and 64).

Monster's Lair: Dark and eerie, this room is an unnerving place, all warriors are at -1 on any fear rolls they make here.

Stairway: The stairway is carefully watched, so it will trigger an event as if it were a dungeon room.

T-Junction: No special rules.

Torture Chamber: No special rules.


Special Characters

 For all these entries the rules are as listed in the Bestiary of the Warhammer Quest Roleplay book with the additions below. All magic items have been pre-selected.


The Despoiler of Kiaz (Ace of Hearts)

Striding forward into the lantern light comes a man clad in burnt armour. He brings the tangy smell of fresh blood as he laughs. "Welcome fools, to the Temple of Ash. I will be happy to collect any donations to my lord Khorne. I believe that you have skulls and blood enough to pay. Once." Hearing his voice, you wonder perhaps if this is foe can still be termed a man.

The Despoiler is a Chaos Hero of Khorne. Extreme dedication to the blood god has strengthened his already considerable fighting abilities. He has Frenzy 5+ and Never Pinned. He is equipped with the following magic:
Armour of Cursed Iron: Magic Armour 2 on WQ RPG book page 83.
Void Pendant: Provides Magic Drain 6+.
Turquoise Icon: Provides Breathe Fire 2.
Arachnida: A mighty axe. Any warrior struck must roll their Initiative on D6 or less at the end of the turn or become webbed.

  Aranshko (King of Hearts)

A warrior clad in red armour looks at you from near the door, he cries "Havoc!" and a half dozen twisted dogs leap forward, giving you no more time for observation.

Aranshko is a Chaos Champion with a pack of 6 Chaos Hounds, place his hounds before placing Aranshko. He has hypnosis 4+. His magic items are as follows:
Armour of Carnage: Magic Armour 6 on WQ RPG book page 83.
Cursed Blackblade: Magic Weapon 4 on WQ RPG book page 84.


Nayelor and Kadoz the Infernal (Queen of Hearts)

As you step forward you hear eerie chanting, and then lights flare around you as dark magic is worked. A pair of foul wizards await, their swords screaming.

Nayelor is a Chaos Sorcerer with the following magical devices:
Armour of Doom: Magic Armour 3 on WQ RPG book page 83.
Ring of Resistance: Magic Item 1 on WQ RPG book page 84.
Blade of Thirst: Wielder regains D6 lost wounds after each turn he strikes and wounds a warrior. This cannot take him above his starting wounds.

Kadoz the Infernal is a Chaos sorcerer who is equipped with the following:
Armour of Negation: Wearer is unaffected by any magical properties of magic weapons.
Ring of Resistance: Magic Item 1 on WQ RPG book page 84.
Sword of Pain: Magic Weapon 3 on WQ RPG book page 84.


Gruku and Kincal (Jack of Hearts)

Back to back they stand, one a goat-headed creature, the other a Champion of Khorne, whose blade flickers like the tongue of some great beast. The twisted one brays like an animal and hurls a spear and the battle is joined.

Gruku is a Beastman Champion with Guards (Kincal). He will always try to remain adjacent to Kincal and moves forward with him. His magic is as follows:
Sword of Pain: Magic Weapon 3 on WQ RPG book page 84.

Kincal is a Chaos Champion with Guards (Gruku). He will always try to remain adjacent to Gruku and moves forward with him. He uses the following magical equipment:
Chaos Armour: Magic Armour 1 on WQ RPG book page 83.
Lashing Blade: Wielder can make normal attacks from a 4 square distance or less.


Kiantor the Wrathful (Ace of Clubs)

Before you stands a minotaur of enormous size, his hands clasped around a vast sword, its blade covered in vile blue stains. The creature wastes no time in conversation as it hurtles towards you.

Kiantor is a Minotaur Champion with the magic weapon below:
Weeping Blade: All hits from this weapon count as Poison.


Selug and Logru (King of Clubs)

A crude chanting is heard as warped beasts lob spears from the dark and bear down upon you.

Selug is a Beastman Shaman with a definite preference for the Doombolt spell. He will cast it on a spell roll of 7 or 8, and will never cast Hand of Dust.

Logru is a Beastman Champion. Both he and Selug carry the same magic weapon:
Goatblade: This sword ignores the first 2 points of armour a warrior is wearing and provides its bearer with Magic Resistance 6+.


Bloodcall and Essermar (Objective Room)

Standing alone in the middle of the room is an enormous man is wicked looking armour, from behind him arrows fly as he raises a rune-encrusted sword and yells, "Master, I offer you the only thing you truly desire! Blood! Blood for the Blood God! Blood! Blood!"

Essermar is a Centaur Champion who is placed in the back corner of the Idol Chamber, while the other 4 centaurs are lined up in front of the Idol. He has the magic below:
Chaos Barding: Wearer ignores a blow on a 5+ on D6 and a spell on a 4+ on D6.
Arrows of Maiming: Ranged attacks from user cannot be dodged or evaded in any way.

Bloodcall is a Chaos Lord, after he and all monsters with him have been defeated, the adventure is complete. He has a powerful array of magical artifacts:
Armour of Regeneration: Wearer gains Regeneration 1.
Tabard of Night: Wearer is -2 to be hit by ranged attacks.
Belt of Fortitude: Wearer gains Dispel Magic 6+.
Crystal Charm: A model carrying this item gains Ethereal 1.
Spelleater Blade: Wielder gains Magic Resistance 5+.



 After defeating the minions of Khorne in the Temple of Ash they must make a six-week journey to the city of Talabheim. There they will be rewarded with 10,000 gold pieces to split amongst themselves as they see fit. No problems for such brave adventurers.

Unfortunately, the forces of the Blood God are not so easily vanquished...

Make a single week's roll on the Hazard's Table. If the warriors planned on using magic to get home it fails... there are dark powers at work... After a single week on the road the warriors are ambushed in the night and taken prisoner. Khorne demands a sacrifice. Go onto the next adventure without visiting a settlement.

The Sequel to Braying for Blood is coming soon. The adventure continues as the warriors must overwhelm their guards and find their equipment, and then escape once more from the Temple of Ash, where someone has a debt to pay... And they intend to pay in the blood of heroes...

Coming soon... No Rest for the Wicked.

© Gareth Williams 1997