With the release of the new Vampire Counts book, everyone is probably itching to paint up undead. Well look no further, here is an easy guid to paint up those hordes of Skeletons really quickly!

Step 1:
Give the skeletons a Black Undercoat (once again spray paint is the way to go).

Step 2:
An all over drybrush with Shadow Grey. Use a big brush!

Step 3:
Another drybrush, this time with Bleached Bone. Use the big brush you used before!

Step 4:
A lighter drybrush with Skull White. Big brush time again!

Step 5:
Paint straps and wood with Beastial Brown.

Step 6:
Paint swords, spikes, armour with Boltgun Metal.

Step 7:
Black Wash all brown and metal parts.

Step 8:
Paint the base and give a nice spray of Varnish. You're now ready for teh tabletop!

Paint the shields seperate from the skeletons.