The following is the chronicle of one of the greatest party of adventurers to brave the Old World (and soon all of the Known World!). Rather than just hash out the character sheets for you, I have taken the time to write short introductions into the characters (I'll let you work out what skills and abilities they have for your selves). Known as Wolfgang's Shadowburners, the party consists of:
Wolfgang Balthazar, Barbarian and fearless leader!
Wolfgang hails from the cold lands of Norsca, but as easily become use to the customs of the old world. With plaited blonde hair, muscles bigger than an ox and greased to perfection, many a barmaid has fallen for this fearsome fighter. Wolfgang has not one but three tatoos on his back (sporting the ever cliched legend of "Mitey Worrier") and has been known to sing in combat (though not very well!). Using the occasional shield, his favorite weapon is a Rending Sword. That's not to say Wolfgang has any other fact he has accumulated more magical weapons than any other party member (the current magic item tally for him is 10 swords, 1 axe, 1 bow, 2 shields, 1 suit of grey armor, 1 mace, a ring and some blessed water!!!). For some reason Wolfgang always seems short of cash, and has recently aquired a small dog (it doesn't have a name yet). In battle, his blade is unstoppable, and not only frenzies, but can sometimes work himself into an unstoppable rage! Email Wolfgang here. |
Illiem Silvershadow, Elf Ranger Mage
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Illiem's ultimate goal is to return to Tiranoc with the artefacts lost by his kin centuries ago. A master in the manipulation of the magical winds, Illiem's favourite offensive is to call upon the might of Aenarion to smite his foes. Apart from his magical ability, his reactions to attacks is phenomenal, and has surpassed all in the Shadowburners in the arts of healing. His favourite weapon is his Silver Sword of Stone, though the Bow of Loren he carries is not far behind. Lucky enough to find a ring of magic lightning, Illiem has proved minotaurs and ogres are far outclassed when they are against him. Also known as the loan shark among the Shadowburners, Illiem is never short of money. In fact, Illiem can afford to lend out a couple of thousand to any other Shadowburner who's a couple of gold short of a level. Email Illiem here. |
Drachen Von Helmwar, Witch Hunter
Drachen is the other magic man in the Shadowburners. Drachen aquired a small dog early on in his adventuring life, appropiately named Fidel (his favourite hobby is stealing the bones of undead). Drachen's weapons of choice are a rending sword (yes, we have two in our party), and his amulet of monster purification (ie. a pistol). Drachen recently bought himself another pair of pistols so he can keep firing for a very long time. Donning the puritan's hat and well used furs, Drachen is one of the toughest characters in the Shadowburners. He can tolerate other races, but is a past master at dealing with evil magic using scum. With Drachen present no foe has ever cast a spell upon the Shadowburners, though many have tried. A combination of skill, luck and unwavering faith allow him to bring doom to even the most fearsome foe quickly, ironically, it is when dealing with weaker monsters that he must rely on the others in the group. Drachen is independant and very resourceful though will always try and visit the sacred guild houses of the Witch Hunters for more knowledge to aid him in his quest to smite evil across the Known World. Email Drachen here. |
Wolfgang is not the only warrior in the party known to occasionally go berserk! Skaggi's history is unknown to the rest of the party, though one thing they do know is that he lives up to his reputation of being fearless (yes, much more so than Wolfgang). Skaggi proved his worth after charging not one, but two mummies in his younger days as a trollslayer. He has impressed the older, more grizzled slayers so much they rewarded him with the brightest of bright orange mohicans (though the fat doesn't seem to wash out for some reason...). After knocking out a drunk for teaching him to play dead (gosh, the nerve of some people!), Skaggi has taken up singing. Indeed, Skaggi and Wolfgang are the most feared singers in the Old World! Skaggi's favorite weapons are his rune axe and ogre slayer. Skaggi keeps his green and white striped pants up with a belt whose buckle sports "Gagron". Email Skaggi here. |
Ethyl "Anklebreaker", Wardancer
Ethyl is a relatively new member of the Shadowburners, but has proved his worth on more than one occasion. A silly looking elf, Ethyl has bad fashion sense (yes Ethyl, your green vest looks terrible!) and long spiky blond hair to boot. Ethyl earned the nickname "Anklebreaker" after having managed to break his ankle 3 times in two adventures! His favorite weapons are of course the twin swords of Orion, though has recently aquired a Bow of Loren (that makes two of them!). Ethyl does not like the belt of Ariel, not only does it not work for him, but it is way too tight (maybe that's why he keeps falling over). Despite being laughed at by the rest of the Shadowburners, Ethyl claims his pair of Quargskin boots bring him luck and let him move with the freedom he needs. Ethyl's favorite past time is to dance and beat his drum in combat (not necessarily in that order). Email Ethyl here. |
Two fellows still awaiting membership into this exclusive party are Satanalot the noble knight, and Amraal the elf. More to come later, hope you have enjoyed this sneek peek into the lives of our adventurers. All figures painted by Andrew Lum or Gareth Williams.
Author: Andrew Lum © 1997.