By Andrew Lum
This article will show you how to paint up Black Orc Blockers for BloodBowl. These particular Black Orcs are from ChrisPavey's Blood Bowl team The Drunken Knights (of Dubbo). You can seethe whole team painted up in another article. I suggest if you haven'tdone so already, to read the article on painting Orc Linemen first.
Preparation and Undercoat
Clean any flash off the miniatures and give them a black undercoat(spray paint is best I find as it saves a lot of time, which
means you can spend longer getting all that shading and highlightingright :). I prefer to undercoat the figures before glueing them onto theirbases. It gives a more even coat onto the miniatures and avoids leavingbare metal at strange angles.
Stage 1
Get a even mix of Chainmail and Boltgun metal and drybrush the miniaturesall over. A good way to see if you have the right
amount of paint on the brush is to brush the back of your hand. Thiswill give an indication of how much paint will come off the
brush onto the miniature. Keep each drybrushing stroke light. It isbetter to do several light strokes than one heavy stroke to
avoid overbrushing the edges.
Stage 2 Paint all the areas of flesh with a very dark green. The figures onthe right have been undercoated black, drybrushed with boltgun metal andnow had the flesh painted with Dark Angel Green. Remember to keep the paintthinned down, as the dark green will go over the black very well. | ![]() |
![]() | Stage 3 Mix some slightly lighter green (in my case Woodland Green) and paintover the flesh, leaving the basecoat showing in only the deepest recesses.Once again be sure to keep the paint thinned down. By keeping it thin youwill avoid getting the streak effect where the dark green meets the lightergreen. Only about two mediums of highlighting were used since the BlackOrcs are meant to be dark and menacing! |
Stage 4 Paint the armour (in this case I have used purple paint to go withthe rest of the Orc Team). First apply the base coat of Liche Purple. Ithen highlighted the armour with 4:1 Liche Purple and Skull White mix,then a 3:1 mix of the same colours. I didn't go any lighter than this,but once again you can add as many stages as you want. | ![]() |
![]() | Stage 5 First all the bone coloured areas (such as the horns and teeth) aregiven a base coat of Snakebite Leather, a middle highlight of SnakebiteLeather and Bleached Bone, then a finishing highlight with Bleached Bone. Then I mix a 1:1 mix of Blood Red and Skull White and carefully drybrushthe sunz logo on the belt. Finish off the sunz logos by painting over themwith very thin Blood Red and paint the teeth on the logo with skull White. |
Stage 6
Paint the steel caps on the boots with Chainmail, paint the eyes withBlood Red. Then paint the base Goblin Green, wait for it to dry, then glueon some flock and you're done!