This is a rather brief guide on how I painted my converted bowman model, but if you don't want to make your own you can just as easily use one of the many Bretonnian archer models (I personally recommend the Archer Champion or the Squire Champion on foot). Similarly you can modify the colour selection to your own liking, I just painted my model to get that 'Robin Hood' feel.
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First the model was given a black undercoat. Once this was dry, I proceeded to paint up all the flesh on the model (dark base coat Vermin Fur, base coat Bronzed Flesh followed by a highlight of Bronzed Flesh/Skull White mix - note I didn't use any inks here, though you can apply a flesh wash after the Bronzed Flesh base coat if you wish). The eyes were painted Skull White and dotted with a Chaos Black pupil. The lower lip was painted with a Bronzed Flesh/Blood Red mix.
The tunic was painted Goblin Green and highlighted Goblin Green/Skull White, and the hood was painted with Dark Angel Green highlighted with Woodland Green (don't know what the new equivalent is).
The bow was base coated Vermin Fur and gradually highlighted up with Vermin Fur/Orc Brown till just Orc Brown was used. All the leather bits and the trousers were painted Beastial Brown, inked with Rust Brown/Skaven Brown mix, and then highlighted with Snakebite Leather,
The sword hilt was painted Shining Gold, inked with Rust Brown and lightly drybrushed with Shining Gold. The scabbard was painted Blood Red, leaving the black undercoat showing in the nicks and scratches.
The model was given a flagstone base (you can find out how to make one here!). A bit of electrostatic flock on the front of the base and the model's done. Time to go questing!
© Andrew Lum 1999