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I received issue 238 on Friday 24th September. If you haven't bought it yet or you would like to see what happens in a foreign edition of White Dwarf (not that much difference I hope), you can read all about it here.
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What better way to advertise a new game than to give away a freebie? Not only does the Mordheim box art (by Geoff Taylor) grace the cover of this month's White Dwarf, but we also get a free metal model. In fact it is Aenur, the Sword of Twilight, a special character in the game. Whether you play Mordheim or not I think that the model will be great to paint up anyway, it looks so cool! |
Not much of interest in the news section this month, apart from the announcement that the Warhammer 40,000 computer game Rites of War is out (actually I've been seeing it in the shops for months...), and a basic run over of some of the new releases.
Moving right along, here is a quick guide to the articles in this issue:
No big surprises for guessing what the first article is about... Town Cryer is for Mordheim, and will be a regular feature in White Dwarf (for a couple of months at least like most "regular features"). Starting with three pages of artwork, forward and contents, then a 3 page introduction by Toumas on the game's development (you may remember some of the Mordheim test rules being published about 18 months ago in White Dwarf). Next is a one page article with the rules for Aenur, the Sword of Twilight (the free model on the cover, for those who have really short term memories). Aenur is supposedly the most famous swordsmman in the city, and is willing to fight for any of the "good" warbands. |
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Next up is a four page description of what you get in the box (for some strange reason I enjoy reading these articles). Nearly 2 of the pages are spent showing us the awesome new models, the game comes with enough bits to build 8 human mercenaries and 10 Skaven. However, this is not a Mordheim review, so we shall move on.
The final article in Town Cryer is a sixteen page battle report detailing a skirmish between Reiklanders (played by Alessio Cavatore) and Skaven (Mark Bedford). Prepare to drool over the GW Studio's amazing Mordheim scenary! Being the first Mordheim battle report, the article explains some of the game rules along the way.
Moving from Mordheim to Warhammer 40,000, Nick Davis talks about Orks in Collecting the Orks. Hmmm the photos look like the studio army to me. Eight pages with lots of pictures, a bit extreme I reckon, as we have been seeing most of these same Ork miniatures for the past couple of months.
The next twelve pages showcase the 1999 Australian Golden Demon Winners. Definately worth taking a look at, as Leigh Carpenter (last year's Australian Slayer Sword winner) gives a commentary on all of the entries (yes, I know the bases on my Escher models are crap, but what do you expect when I based them at the city store on the way to Games Day? Hehe, just wait till next year :). Be sure to take a look at Helen Grant's Open Category winner on page 52, it is amazing!
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To Warhammer now, Exquisite Evil is by Toumas Pirinen (with a story by Alessio Cavatore) and is about the Lahmian vampires, and just like the other articles in the series talks about their history. The Lahmians are an almost all female bloodline, and as you can see on the left, one of the new releases this month is Neferata and her familiar, Bastet. |
Death from the Skies is the only Battle Fleet Gothic feature this month (the hype's all over I'm guessing). However, it is a valuable article to anyone who owns BFG, Epic and 40k, as it discusses how to link the games together into a full campaign. Five pages all up, and includes rules for Imperial Heavy Transports.
Five pages of advertisments follow, including a two page spread for Mordheim. Of note there are coupons for the Chatswood Re-opening sale for anyone interested in going.
Nick Davis has yet another article, this time a quick two page showcase of the new Orc regiment in Da Boyz iz 'Ere. They are fully compatible with their 40k counterparts, and can be armed with either hand weapons or spears.
Jetbike Duel by Gav Thorpe is a special 40k scenario involving Craftworld and Dark Eldar bikers chasing each other down (remember the Speeder Bike scene from Return of the Jedi?). To give the illusion of high speeds, all terrain in the scenario is moved backwards! Any that go off the table edge is simply recycled back onto the other edge. Also amusing is the fact that players only have five seconds to decide what a jetbike is doing during a turn (no stopping and thinking when you're going at these high speeds!). Four pages, including a page taken to show off the new Shining Spear models, followed by six pages of assorted ads.
The next article is The Path of Victory by Iain Compton. Tactics using the new Craftworld Eldar, including comments from other people including Gav Thorpe. Three and a half pages, followed by a half page ad for the 40k novel Into the Maelstrom.
More Orks! Ten pages of assorted articles, ads, and showcases (you can see the new 'Ard Boyz below) totally devoted to the greenskins. Andy Chambers discusses Ork clans, covering Goffs, Blood Axes and Death Skulls. Also, Dave Taylor takes a page to give us the Space Ork Summary summary, missing from the Codex. It is followed by six pages of ads on what is happening in GW stores around Australia and New Zealand.
Da Big Fight is this month's battle report between Andy Chambers, Adrian Wood, and Alex Boyd. It is a special battle Da Battle At Da Camp (the scenario rules are included) involving three 1,500 point Ork armies clashing in neutral territory! I'll let you decide which warlord comes out the victor. Nineteen pages, an interesting read, I would like to continue to see battle reports with special rules or interesting features in future issues.
Followed by the standard mail order section, that's the end of WD238!
New releases:
The new releases for this month are listed below by game system. I have absolutely no idea when these will be/were released in other parts of the world, so please don't ask me! Anyway, it seems like a real treat for Ork and Mordheim players this month with the new releases.
Warhammer 40,000:
Mordheim - City of the Damned (boxed game).
Black Library:
Warhammer Monthly 21.
If you'd like to send feedback please email me at [email protected], but don't ask me for rules, more pictures, or anything that would require me to do extra work (If you do, don't expect me to reply you anytime soon :)
Wights (blister).
Neferata and Bastet (blister).
Orc Regiment (plastic boxed set).
Ork 'Ardboyz (metal and plastic boxed set).
Ork Nobz (blister).
Ork Nobz in 'Eavy Armour (blister).
Ork Boyz with Heavy Weapons (blister).
Eldar Battle Force (plastic boxed set).
Eldar Shining Spear Squad (metal and plastic boxed set).
Reikland Captian (blister).
Reikland Champion (blister).
Reikland Youngbloods (blister).
Skaven Assassin Adept (blister).
Black Skaven (blister).
Clan Eshin Sorceror (blister).
Skaven Night Runners (blister).
Warhammer Monthly 22 Redeemer Special.
Well that's it for this month, next issue expect to see more Mordheim articles and miniatures, the new Land Speeder Typhoon, a Shining Spear Exarch (see picture to the right), and perhaps Imperial Guard. Till then, have fun painting your free miniature!