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By Vincent Coffey

This Following Information is a Quest Background, which may be followed with elaboration or ideas on how to play the quest with or without a GM. Hopefully having a more sound objective (even thought the quest can be played just like a normal quest with the addition of a little flavor) will make the game richer. This setting is best introduced when all the players are at a tavern or similar location, when they are then approached by Heiric, a scholar in a grey robe. His proposition is as follows:

"Hello, Brave ones. I am Heiric, a visitor here from Yvonshire. I had come here to complete a compilation on the mages au du lys, that is, an anchient order of mages proportedly blessed by the lady of the lake. What I have found is indefinately more exciting, for I have found hidden in some dust caked tomes suggestion to the location of one of the sacred reflectories of these very same wizards! I am too old to make the journey, put perhaps, with my notes, you may find the reflectory and survive whatever dangers guard it. I ask that if you find the reflectory, recover whatever relics you can and bring them to me, so I might preserve them, and I will reward you".

The Notes Heiric gives to the party (of course) lead them out into the wilderness, where they eventually find a cavern (of course again)... which they must delve into to find the reflectory. Play it out like a normal dungeon hallway-wise, but before you begin... roll a d6 to see what kind of baddies have moved into the cavern and now make it thier home.

1 Orcs & gobbos
2 Skaven
3 Chaos Dwarfs
4 Undead
5 Chaos
6 Dark Elves

Also inform the players that while leaving town and on gaming posters on the edge of the woods where they see notices stating that there is a bounty on unicorn horns, (a wealthy noble has promised one to his betrothed as an engagement gift) and will pay anyone 2000 gold peices for a true unicorn horn, in good shape.

Now you have set the stage and determined what kind of baddies now live there... here are the special rules for the dungeon. In hallways and junctions (which for gaming purposes are considered winding caverns) the monsters encountered are randomly rolled on the encounter table for your battle level as normal. However, for rooms (and unexpected events in rooms) you roll an additional d6 and consult this chart below: (resolving any non-monster unexpected event before rolling)

1 - roll 2 groups of monsters on the monster table one level below the highest party member, picking only results that are of the monster type that this dungeon is supposedly inhabited by. for example... if you rolled SKAVEN for your dungeon occupants, in rooms you will always roll on a truncated table excluding all results except for skaven. Ie, on level 4 you could only encounter "33 - Rat ogres and storm-vermin" or "15 - Skaven Warlock, Assassins, etc."

2-5 roll on the monster table of the level of the average member of the group and use only creatures of the previously selected race (as described above).

6 - Roll on the Monster table one level above the highest party member, using only the table results for the "occupying race" as described above.

This gives the dungeon the feel of winding corridors where random beasties could be found, but also gives the imagry and suggestion that the ROOMS in the dungeon... that is, ruins and decayed chambers of the reflectory, are now hideous lairs for a multitude of a particular race of foe which call this thier lair.


Take ALL the dungeon room cards... and set aside the FIRECHASM, it will be the only dungeon card you will not be needing. Before Shuffling, place the TOMB CHAMBER face down seperate from the rest of the cards, with the FIGHTING PIT on top of it. The Fighting pit represents the gateway into the inner sanctum of the lost mages, with the tomb chamber being the actual reflectory room. Shuffle the rest of the cards together (including the FOUNTAIN OF LIGHT and IDOL CHAMBER) and deal them on top of those cards mentioned above, so that those last two rooms are discovered only through travelling through the entire dungeon deck.

Now... traverse the dungeon! deal with the rooms and tunnels as described before, however, the objective rooms are handled with special encounters, described below...

IDOL CHAMBER -- This room contains several grotesque stone statues (exactly as many statues as there are player's battle levels -- how interesting!) they are set up (using pennies or whatever) lined in rows spanning the width of the room, starting from the far side with each row closer to the warriors. When anybody steps adjacent to any statue -- you guessed it! thier eyes flick open and you are faced with that many STONE TROLLS. in addition to this terrible quandry... all unexpected events in this chamber reveal 1d3 additional stone trolls. If the party is getting clobbered, but they can still fight thier way to the other side of the room... they can flee into the next chamber and the trolls will not follow. However, if they manage to kill every troll on the board they discover a plaque with a unicorn emblem with runes reading: "Preserve that which is blessed, lest you not be blessed". In addition, no more trolls will come on an unexpected event here, and you resolve encounters randomly for this chamber.

FOUNTAIN OF LIGHT -- (UNICORN CHAMBER) this objective room, when entered does not trigger an unexpected event like most other rooms, instead, the players are overcome with a sense of safety. Where elsewheres in the dungeon the walls and edifaces are filthy and corrupt, as well as worn away, Here vestiges of bretonnian emblems, coats of arms and tattered tapestries line the walls of this chamber, within which lies a clearwater spring. The party can rest and heal here as long as it wishes without risking encounters or traps of any kind, and on the 3rd turn the players spend in this room (if they are in there that long) a unicorn materializes in the far end of the room from the players. (at this point they should remember the reward -- as well as the idol chamber's plaque, if they found it) and should decide whether to attack the unicorn or leave it in peace. If ANY player exhibits malicious intent toward the unicorn it will vanish, and not reappear again. However, if it is left alone or a pleasant overature is made toward it, it will stamp it's foot, and vanish, leaving where it placed it's hoof a golden horseshoe worth 600 gold... not to mention it's useful later on! There is also a plaque in this chamber that reads "Before the gate, Pray to the lady for rest--or find rest of another kind." -- a hint regarding what is to come ahead.

The Fighting pit -- (THE GATEWAY) This is either a cake walk encounter if you did everything right, or annoying if not horrible if you did something wrong. the players start on the elevated part of a huge shadowy chamber filled with spider-webs, seeing the gateway to the inner sanctum in the pit beyond them. Every monsters phase the players are in this room roll a d6 and the following monsters appear and attack immediately:

1-3 - 12 giant spiders
4-6 - 1d3 Gigantic Spiders

These monsters are worth NO GOLD AT ALL when killed, they are merely to make you want to get out of the chamber really really bad. spiders can be placed in the "wall spaces" on the sides of the fighting pit where warriors can't go and more will keep coming every round unless every square in the room is full. It is now the warriors must put one and one together and get out of here and into the reflectory. anyone praying to the lady of the lake "for rest" rolls a d6 (brettonian characters pass automatically) and on a 4+ the gate glows with an emblem of a unicorn and a horseshoe. (less than that nothing happens, try again)... once the prayer is successful, anyone adjacent to the gate on the far end of the room can open the doorway with the golden horseshoe. If the horseshoe is used in this manner, a blinding light is unleashed sending the spiders scurrying away for good, and the reflectory (tomb chamber) is open to all. If for some reason the players either don't pray, don't have the horseshoe, or are just clueless, the door will have to be forced (which will be tough considering they are likely to be webbed and up to thier necks in spiders). The door has an armor rating of 5 and has 2d6 + 8 wounds.

The TOMB CHAMBER -- (REFLECTORY OF LYS) -- Inside this chamber is the long lost reflectory (in case you're wondering a reflectory is where old mages go to think and live a hermit's life) of one of the last mages of the ancient order of lys. although the room looks as if it was meticulously maintained at one time, it has been centuries at least since men or beast have entered this chamber. the center of the room emanates with it's own light, a magical stone filling the chamber with it's inner glow. along the walls are long forsaken amenities of the wizard who lived (and died) here; a decayed husk of a bed, the time-ravaged remains of alchemical tables and spell-books, a golden chest, and the bones of this chambers occupant collasped and scattered amoung the folds of his ancient wizard's robes.

Of what can be taken in this room, is listed below:

1) the "Sunstone" in the center of this room can be taken from it's stand, and carried, like a lantern, by any player who thinks to take it first. They can separate from the party and travel apart without having to worry about darkness, and players without light sources can follow safely.

2) A Blade of Courrone and an Undead Bane (Magic Weapons) lay in separate golden scabbards.

3) Boots of leaping can be found in a foot-locker half-buried under a stalagmite in the corner of the room.

4) the golden chest contains 3 healing potions, 1 objective room treasure, and a manuscript -- in perfect condition -- this is just the object Heiric needs for his work (and you need for your reward!)

5) if anybody thinks to examine the robes... they are worthless -- but there is a scroll inside which can be read. it reads as follows:

"I, Granfor du Lanque-court do retire here after my final battle with Fausten Helsnicht, to reach my final clarity within the confines of this, the lady's enclave. As I die here, I resign my body to the water, and my effects to the land, so my spirit may join my ancestors on the isle of Lys and become one with the Legends. As I become one with the retinue of the lady of the lake, I leave with the hope that these bones will one day be found in the eyes of the just, my arms to be borne by those favored by the lady, to deal once more swift retribution to her foes and those of the crown of brettonia. So may the cycle continue, a thousand times a thousand years, until the end of the times of men, and unto the extinction of mortal flesh".

Keeping with Warhammer Quest tradition, there is convieniently a hidden exit inside the reflectory to the outside world. Equally in tradition, the reward for achieving the objective is pathetically small compared to what you got killing monsters while you were there... Heiric thanks you egrigiously and pays the party 2d6 x 150 gold for the manuscript.

Hope you enjoyed and appreciated the quest, e-mail any questions or critiques of it to me or to the digest and I'll elaborate. If people want I can send more... I have pages and pages of plot seeds, many of which I can develop like this one.

© Vincent Coffey